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Become the go-to loyalty expert in your business

Become an expert in ecommerce loyalty with the LoyaltyLion Academy. Our loyalty tutorials will help you finetune your skills in loyalty strategy, data and analytics and customer retention and engagement. You'll also receive valuable ecommerce and loyalty resources by email.
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Access exclusive loyalty lessons

LoyaltyLion Academy Modules

  • Understanding customer loyalty

    Understand the loyalty lifecycle, and find out everything you need to know about launching a loyalty program

  • Retaining loyal customers

    Learn how to measure customer lifetime value, and design points and rewards in a way that keeps customers coming back

  • Turn one-time customers into repeat customers

    Use rewards to limit guest checkouts and basket abandonment, increasing repeat purchase rates and average order value

  • Turning at-risk customers into loyal customers

    Calculate lost revenue from at-risk customers and use rewards to re-engage those in need of winning back

  • Driving customer engagement

    From onboarding to ongoing communication, find out how to effectively engage loyal customers at every stage

  • Securing customer advocacy

    Use your loyalty program to drive cost-effective customer acquisition, using rewards to drive reviews and referrals

  • Loyalty insights and analytics

    Find out which metrics are important and how to measure them, and understand how they help you make business decisions

Join the LoyaltyLion Academy today

Learn everything you need to know about ecommerce loyalty

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